Saturday, April 18, 2009

5 Things to Know About Robert Langdon

Got this from another Dan Brown/Robert Langdon fan blog, from the Pinoy Robert Langdon hehe. He made a short trivia blog about Robert Langdon. Pretty interesting stuff.

Here's one of the things he posted:
5. Ron Howard's first envisioned choice for the role of Robert Langdonwas Bill Paxton. Paxton was interested but turned it down because of scheduling conflicts. 'Russell Crowe (I)' was then seriously considered for the role but ultimately Howard decided on long time friend Tom Hanks for the role. Other actors considered for the part were Ralph Fiennes, Hugh Jackman and George Clooney. (Source:
Read the whole blog here:

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Angels and Demons Widget

Here's an Angels and Demons Widget sent to us from our friends over at Sony Pictures.

View the actual execution of the Widget here.


Angels and Demons Teaser Footage

New Angels and Demons teaser footage from their Facebook page.

Watch it and read other people's comments by clicking here:


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Play the Illuminati Puzzle Game

There is a really cool Angels and Demons puzzle game on MSN right now!

It's a really cool addicting puzzle game that has you really thinking outside of the box! Ang hirap!

Try it out by visiting the Angels and Demons Path of Illumination Contest on MSN.

Angels and Demons opens in Philippine cinemas, May 15, 2009.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Finally! Angels and Demons Full Trailer 1

A&D Fans rejoice! Sony Pictures has finally released the official full trailer of Angels and Demons! Thanks to IGN Video for hosting the trailer.

Click below to see the full trailer.

Astig! Can't wait for it!

Angels and Demons opens May 15, 2009 in Philippine cinemas!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sneak Peek! Few minutes of footage of Angels and Demons!

Angels and Demons showed a few minutes of the movie at the CES 2009 (Consumer Electronics Show) and it looks good!

Thanks to IGN for the heads up! Be sure to click on the link to read more about it!

Angels and Demons opens May 15, 2009 in Philippine cinemas.
